Special Issue: Insurance Industry

The Relevance and Challenges of the Insurance Industry in Contemporary Administration: A Call for Researchers

João Vinícius de França Carvalho, Eduardo Flores, Emiliano A. Valdez



An Application of Geographically Weighted Quantile Lasso to Weather Index Insurance Design

Daniel Lima Miquelluti, Vitor Augusto Ozaki, David José Miquelluti



MAC: A Proposal for Consistent Actuarial Interest Rates in Pension Funds

Sandro de Azambuja, Carlos Heitor Campani



Uncertainty of Claims Provisions from the Analysis of Financial Statements

Roberto Bomgiovani Cazzari, Guilherme Rodovalho Fernandes Moreira



Surety Bond in Infrastructure in Brazil: Transaction Costs and Agency Theory Perspectives

Tulio Henrique Moreira Marques, Mario Henrique Ogasavara, Frederico Araujo Turolla



Earnings Persistence and Market Reaction to Earnings in the International Insurance Industry

RenĂȘ Coppe Pimentel
