RAC’s Editorial Team is structured as follows:

- Editorial Council

- Editor-in-Chief

- Associate Editors

- Scientific Editorial Board

- Editorial Office


Editorial Council

The main functions of the editorial council are: (a) to support the selection process to choose the editor-in-chief of RAC, (b) to collaborate in defining the focus and scope of RAC, (c) to appoint members to the scientific editorial board and, (d) promote the journal with its scientific communities in order to collaborate in building partnerships and internationalization. Its members are composed of ANPAD's Presidency and Directorate of Communication and Publications and other invited members with vast scientific and editorial experience.



Is the person responsible for the entire editorial and scientific process of RAC and has the final decision on whether to publish the submitted articles. It is chosen through a selective process carried out by ANPAD, in 3-year cycles.


Associate Editors

They are responsible for the editorial process of the articles designated by the editor-in-chief. They are specialists in the areas of the articles, who are responsible and have autonomy in the designation of reviewers and in recommending the publication or not of the articles under their responsibility in order to support the final decision of the editor-in-chief. They are chosen by the editor-in-chief.


Scientific Editorial Board

They are experienced researchers in the various areas covered by the focus and scope of the journal and their main function is to provide input to associate editors in cases where articles receive discrepant opinions in the evaluation process. They also advise the editor-in-chief on specific issues related to methods or theories little used in the area of administration or even ethics. They are appointed by the editorial council, associate editors, and chosen by the editor-in-chief.


Editorial Office

The members of the Editorial Office are experienced professionals in periodic scientific publications. They are responsible for assisting the journal staff and managing the editorial process workflow, including: (a) Managing deadlines and operational and administrative processes related to the publication of journal issues; (b) Assist authors, reviewers, editors, and indexers; (c) Monitor the evaluation process and ensure compliance with publication standards; (d) Resolve pending issues and documentation of articles approved for publication; (e) Editing of articles accepted for publication, as well as other documents published by the journal (Call for Papers, Guidelines for Publication, etc.); (f) Publication of articles and issues on journal websites, submission to indexers, dissemination of new issues and news; (g) Provide reports, estimate budgets and supervise the execution/delivery of contracted services; (h) Maintenance of the journal's website content.

The members of the editorial office are ANPAD employees, assigned by the Publisher.