In order to disseminate papers accepted for publication earlier than the standard production and issue release cycles, in August 2021 RAC has implemented an “Early Access” option. Articles accepted for publication, yet scheduled for release in a forthcoming issue, will be displayed on a specific “Early Access” page so the articles can be read and cited before their scheduled release in a specific issue.

The papers published as Early Access are final full-text, peer-reviewed, copyedited articles made available to the audience as soon as they are complete, and published online before being assigned to a volume and issue of the journal. Early Access articles are considered fully complete, and once posted online are considered to be fully published and no further changes can be made by the authors. If there is an error in a paper published as Early Access, it would need to be corrected with an erratum. Early Access articles are fully citable since they are given a DOI, which allows them to be cited and tracked. After the article is assigned to an issue, the DOI remains the same and can continue to be used to cite the article.

To access RAC's most recent issues, please go to: