Journal of Contemporary Administration
<p><a href="/index.php/rac/issue/archive"><img src="/public/site/images/admrac/homepageImage_pt_BR.jpg" width="265" height="373" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15"></a></p> <h3><br>The Journal of Contemporary Administration (RAC):</h3> <p><span lang="EN-US">The </span>Journal of Contemporary Administration (<em>Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC</em>) was created in 1997 and is published bimonthly (continuous publication) by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ANPAD</a> (Brazilian Academy of Management), with open access to its full text (peer-reviewed) content online. Registered under <a href="">ISSN 1982-7849</a> (online) and ISSN 1415-6555 (print version from 1997 to 2010)</p> <p>RAC accepts submissions from research efforts supported by different approaches. The submitted texts must address contemporary issues of regional importance without losing sight of the articulations of the global context. Thus, the objective is to encourage debates, the development of public policies, and new forms of management in line with contemporary social challenges. Proposals for special issues by guests are encouraged and welcomed. Besides the Editorial, the journal publishes seven types of manuscripts: Theoretical-empirical Articles; Theoretical Essays; Methodological Articles; Provocations; Executive Letters; Technological Articles; and Cases for Teaching.</p> <p>RAC is aligned with Open Science practices: open data, materials, codes, education, peer-review, and preprints, in addition to the dissemination of additional information related to the editorial process. All datasets and materials published by RAC are available on our page at <a href="">Harvard Dataverse</a>. In addition, RAC, through its editorial scope, prioritizes works that explore topics relevant to society. And, for that, it uses the themes highlighted in the <a href="">Sustainable Development Goals</a> (SDGs) of the UN.</p> <p> </p> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary read-more" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Instructions for Authors </a></p> <h3> </h3> <p> </p> <h3>Indicators (1st Semester of 2024)</h3> <p><strong>The average period of the desk-review process:</strong> is 9 days (between submission and the editors' initial review if the manuscript is rejected or proceeds to peer review).</p> <p><strong>The average period of the first round of peer review:</strong> is 79 days (between the first submission and the decision of the first peer review round).</p> <p><strong>The average period of the complete peer review process</strong>: is 134 days (between the first submission, the peer-review complete process, and a final decision of acceptance or rejection).</p> <p><strong>The average period between acceptance and publication:</strong> is 23 days (between acceptance and publication of the article as Early Access or directly to an issue).</p> <p><strong>Submission acceptance rate:</strong> 11%</p> <p> </p> <h3>Main indexers and repositories:</h3> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a> </p> <p>Access the complete listing in the “<a href="">Editorial Policies</a>” menu.</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/admrac/logo_COPE_50_bg.png"> The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics</strong></a>.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Qualis (CAPES)</a>:</strong> <strong>A2 </strong>- Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism (2017-2020 Quadrennium)</p>Associação Nacional de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa em Administraçãoen-USJournal of Contemporary Administration1415-6555<p>Since mid-February of 2023, the authors retain the copyright relating to their article and grant the journal RAC, from ANPAD, the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0)</a>, as stated in the article’s PDF document. This license provides that the article published can be shared (allows you to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapted (allows you to remix, transform, and create from the material for any purpose, even commercial) by anyone.</p> <p>After article acceptance, the authors must sign a Term of Authorization for Publication, which is sent to the authors by e-mail for electronic signature before publication.</p>Retention of Civil Organizations Members and Political Participation: Possible Relationships
<p><strong>Objective:</strong> to explore the influence of retention of civil society organizations (CSOs) members on political participation. Theoretical framework: members of CSOs are likely to engage in various political activities. The propensity of members to participate in political practices may be influenced by their retention, which enables the development of democratic competencies and values, civic skills and virtues, and other political resources that foster political engagement. <strong>Methods:</strong> an explanatory quantitative research was carried out, using data from 234 members of CSOs in Mozambique, collected through a questionnaire consisting of validated scales of members’ retention and political participation. Structural equation modeling was performed to test the five research hypotheses, using weighted least squares mean and variance adjusted (WLSMV) as the estimation method, considering member retention practices as a second-order construct to explain each of the dimensions of political participation. <strong>Results:</strong> The hypothesis testing pointed to the non-rejection of two hypotheses, demonstrating that: member retention practices significantly explain political contact; and member retention practices significantly explain civic engagement. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> the study demonstrates that the propensity of CSOs members to participate in various political practices can be explained by member retention, which adds value to the literature. The findings contribute to human resource management in CSOs seeking to foster individual capacity to participate in democratic political processes, as well as those aiming to promote the expansion of democracy in society.</p>Dias Rafael MagulCarlos Eduardo Cavalcante
Copyright (c) 2024 Dias Rafael Magul, Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante
2024-09-092024-09-09284e240041e24004110.1590/1982-7849rac2024240041.enThe Impact of IT-Business Strategic Alignment on The Transformation and Operations of Pre-Digital Businesses
<p><strong>Objective</strong>: this study aims to answer the following research question: How does IT-business strategic alignment (ITBSA) influence the sustaining or transformation of a pre-digital business? This objective was defined due to the critical importance of this topic for executives responsible for keeping such businesses adaptive and competitive in the face of the digital era’s opportunities and threats. <strong>Theoretical approach:</strong> the theoretical background of this article is formed by pre-digital and digital business models, IT-business strategic alignment, focusing on IT-enabled business support, IT-enabled business transformation, digital optimization, and digital transformation. <strong>Method:</strong> following the development of a research model and propositions,<br>a case study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with executives from a multinational industrial company. These interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using a deductive data collection and analysis protocol, supported by NVivo software. <strong>Results:</strong> the presence of organizational silos and the absence of a digital strategy were identified as key issues that have impacted the transformation of the pre-digital business studied. These challenges were mapped not only through case study analysis but also by triangulating these findings with the existing literature. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> despite the integration of an emerging digital strategy into ITBSA, traditional practices can still be helpful to mitigate the identified issues of strategic misalignment and organizational silos. For instance, executives need to maintain a balanced focus on both intellectual and social alignments to ensure that IT, business, and digital strategies collectively enable the business operations and transformation.</p>Francisco Massaro Mendes-da-SilvaAlberto Luiz Albertin
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