of Contemporary Administration2025-01-08T15:59:24+00:00Paula Journal Systems<p><a href="/index.php/rac/issue/archive"><img src="/public/site/images/admrac/homepageImage_pt_BR.jpg" width="265" height="373" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15"></a></p> <h3><br>The Journal of Contemporary Administration (RAC):</h3> <p><span lang="EN-US">The </span>Journal of Contemporary Administration (<em>Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC</em>) was created in 1997 and is published bimonthly (continuous publication) by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ANPAD</a> (Brazilian Academy of Management), with open access to its full text (peer-reviewed) content online. Registered under <a href="">ISSN 1982-7849</a> (online) and ISSN 1415-6555 (print version from 1997 to 2010)</p> <p>RAC accepts submissions from research efforts supported by different approaches. The submitted texts must address contemporary issues of regional importance without losing sight of the articulations of the global context. Thus, the objective is to encourage debates, the development of public policies, and new forms of management in line with contemporary social challenges. Proposals for special issues by guests are encouraged and welcomed. Besides the Editorial, the journal publishes seven types of manuscripts: Theoretical-empirical Articles; Theoretical Essays; Methodological Articles; Provocations; Executive Letters; Technological Articles; and Cases for Teaching.</p> <p>RAC is aligned with Open Science practices: open data, materials, codes, education, peer-review, and preprints, in addition to the dissemination of additional information related to the editorial process. All datasets and materials published by RAC are available on our page at <a href="">Harvard Dataverse</a>. In addition, RAC, through its editorial scope, prioritizes works that explore topics relevant to society. And, for that, it uses the themes highlighted in the <a href="">Sustainable Development Goals</a> (SDGs) of the UN.</p> <p> </p> <p> <a class="btn btn-primary read-more" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Instructions for Authors </a></p> <h3> </h3> <p> </p> <h3>Indicators (1st Semester of 2024)</h3> <p><strong>The average period of the desk-review process:</strong> is 9 days (between submission and the editors' initial review if the manuscript is rejected or proceeds to peer review).</p> <p><strong>The average period of the first round of peer review:</strong> is 79 days (between the first submission and the decision of the first peer review round).</p> <p><strong>The average period of the complete peer review process</strong>: is 134 days (between the first submission, the peer-review complete process, and a final decision of acceptance or rejection).</p> <p><strong>The average period between acceptance and publication:</strong> is 23 days (between acceptance and publication of the article as Early Access or directly to an issue).</p> <p><strong>Submission acceptance rate:</strong> 11%</p> <p> </p> <h3>Main indexers and repositories:</h3> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a> </p> <p>Access the complete listing in the “<a href="">Editorial Policies</a>” menu.</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/admrac/logo_COPE_50_bg.png"> The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics</strong></a>.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Qualis (CAPES)</a>:</strong> <strong>A2 </strong>- Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism (2017-2020 Quadrennium)</p> and Innovative and Sustainable Businesses in the Context of Natural Resource Management and Confrontation of Climate Change in the Amazon2024-12-19T13:18:42+00:00Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinhomariovasc@ufpa.brMariluce Paes-de-Souzamariluce@unir.brAna Maria de Albuquerque Vasconcellosanamaria.vasconcellos@unama.brIrma Garcí F.<p>Há mais de 50 anos, o debate sobre desenvolvimento sustentável está presente no mundo acadêmico e foi assumido na perspectiva política em face da necessidade de conciliação entre o sistema produtivo e a conservação dos recursos naturais. Os efeitos deletérios do modelo de desenvolvimento econômico baseado em um sistema produtivo altamente explorador de recursos naturais e em uma matriz energética baseada em combustíveis fósseis foram duas das muitas razões que levantaram o debate sobre desenvolvimento sustentável em nível mundial.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 and Value Appropriation in the Cocoa Bioeconomy at Amazonas2024-12-04T15:20:13+00:00Lucas Xavier Trindadelxtrindade@uesc.brMaria Sylvia Macchione Saesssaes@usp.brJosé Augusto Lacerda Fernandesjalf@ufpa.brJacques<p><strong>Objective:</strong> this article identifies the mechanisms that guide governance and determine the possibilities of appropriation of value (income) by extractive producers who participate in different value chains of the cocoa bioeconomy in Amazonas. <strong>Theoretical approach:</strong> transaction cost economics, with an emphasis on the relationships between the specific conditions of assets and bargaining power over the appropriation of value, represents the basis for the two theoretical propositions formulated. <strong>Methods:</strong> a qualitative approach to multiple case studies was used in two regions (Madeira and Juruá rivers), which are representative of the value chains of the cocoa bioeconomy in Amazonas. Secondary (documents) and primary (interviews and focus group) data were analyzed using thematic analysis. <strong>Results:</strong> in the commodity and specialty cocoa chains, differentiated relational governance mechanisms have been established, which configure the distribution of bargaining power between intermediaries and producers and consequently the ability of these agents to appropriate value. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> swaying bargaining power in favor of producers depends on the presence of specific assets positioned to their benefit. The higher the level of specific assets involved in the transaction in favor of extractivists, as occurs in the specialty cocoa chain, the greater their bargaining power tends to be and, consequently, their opportunity to appropriate value. Encouraging the creation of value chains based on specific assets that increase producers’ ability to appropriate income is imperative to achieve an inclusive bioeconomy in the Amazon.</p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Marketing and Digital Engagement in Amazonian Sustainable Tourism2024-12-11T18:13:23+00:00Edwin Arango Fernando Osorio Alberto Arango<p><strong>Objective:</strong> to analyze how different elements of content marketing on Instagram influence eWOM (measured through likes and comments) for sustainable hotels in the Amazon. <strong>Theoretical approach:</strong> the study is grounded in media richness theory and uses and gratifications theory to examine the effectiveness of social media content marketing strategies. <strong>Method:</strong> a content analysis of 1,000 Instagram posts from ten sustainable Amazon hotels was conducted, followed by a negative binomial regression model. <strong>Results:</strong> videos generate more engagement than images, validating media richness theory. Strategies focused on biodiversity and relaxation facilities are effective in generating likes, while informative and sustainability-related content encourages more comments. Cultural content showed an unexpected negative impact on engagement. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> the study contributes to the literature by providing specific recommendations on content marketing optimization in the unique context of sustainable Amazon tourism, an underexplored area in digital marketing research. The findings validate media richness and uses and gratifications theories in this specific context.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Education for Amazon’s Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the Genesis Program2024-12-12T19:39:11+00:00Lucas Carregari da Rosa Carneirocarregari.lucas@gmail.comHellen Kezia Silva Almadahellenkezia@gmail.comRosane Barbosa Lopes<p><strong>Objective:</strong> this article evaluates the Genesis Program, part of the Amazon Journey, created to awaken local entrepreneurial talents and strengthen the business ecosystem based on the forest’s biodiversity. <strong>Theoretical approach:</strong> it argues that developing behavioral skills and fostering an active learning community are essential for this goal. <strong>Methods:</strong> the theoretical analysis is grounded in experiential learning, emphasizing the dimensions of action and reflection, experience and abstraction, and the principles of engagement in discovery activities, courage cultivation, associative thinking, and diversity, which are essential for innovation. The research uses questionnaires (n = 147) and interviews (n = 26) to collect participants’ perceptions and analyze the program’s evolution over time. <strong>Results:</strong> as a result, the Genesis Program recorded 7,177 enrollments across the nine states of the Legal Amazon, involving more than 160 municipalities and generating 585 new entrepreneurial solution ideas. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> it was found that there was a need to improve the engagement method, leading to the development and application of new training formats. The 37 local ambassadors were identified as essential for the program’s reach and achieving objectives. The article shares lessons learned and seeks to inspire new research and initiatives for developing talents in entrepreneurship, innovation, and bioeconomy fields.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Governance in Bioeconomy: Insights from the Brazilian Amazon2024-12-13T10:57:34+00:00Vanessa Cuzziol Pinskypinskyvanessa@gmail.comJacques Marcovitchjmarcovi@usp.brAdalberto Luis<p><strong>Objective</strong>: understand whether subnational processes to develop bioeconomy policy are integrated with local implementation efforts in the state of Amazonas. <strong>Theoretical framework</strong>: experimentalist governance. <strong>Methods:</strong> deductive content analysis was conducted in three phases: open and axial coding and integration of theory.<strong> Results:</strong> a nascent system of experimentalist governance to foment bioeconomy is taking shape. However, the potential for experimentalism to improve policy reforms is far from realized due to policy coordination problems,<br>incipient collective action among actors, and the absence of incentives to promote experimentation and systematic learning from local experiences. The quintuple helix innovation model is a promising approach to engage different actors in the design and implementation of bioeconomy experiments, where the state actor assumes central coordination and local actors implement. Political will and longterm<br>strategy based on metrics and a system for review are essential. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> the experimentalist problem-solving approach could have a significant impact in the Amazonian bioeconomy by demonstrating and replicating the successful initiatives to generate useful local policy experiments, learning, and promoting socioeconomic opportunities with environmental conservation. Policy experimentation can be a new<br>viable alternative to move state and non-state actors from conflict based on divergent economic interests to a cooperative means to promote socioeconomic development by demonstrating and escalating success cases that can foster policies and opportunities.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) and Social Technology in the Amazon Region: An Integrated Framework Proposition2024-12-17T15:04:35+00:00Diana Cruz Rodriguesdicruzrodrigues@gmail.comArtur da Silva Ribeiroarthurribeiro@museu-goeldi.brJoão Paulo dos Santos da Silvajoaopssilva803@gmail.comCláudia Souza<p><strong>Objective:</strong> To propose an analytical framework that integrates the social technology approach into the concept of socio-bioeconomy, as<br>its compatible technological strand, based on the concept of a social technological system. <strong>Theoretical framework:</strong> The concept of sociobioeconomy is discussed in light of the three predominant visions of bioeconomy (biotechnological, bioresources, and bioecological), proposing a conceptual-analytical framework. The social technological system concept is revised to integrate it, in a cross-cutting way, with the socio-bioeconomy. The framework integrates the dimensions of the social technological system with the dimensions of the socio-bioeconomy. <strong>Methods:</strong> The proposed framework was applied in a case study of a potential social technological system in socio-bioeconomic activities in the rubber production chain in the Amazon. Data collection included documentary research, interviews, and a technical visit. <strong>Results:</strong> the case study presented the integration of three solutions based on social technology, constituting various properties of a social technological system. The social technology system shown was compatible with the dimensions of socio-bioeconomy. Several properties <br>of the framework were evidenced, allowing its initial analytical viability to be considered.<strong> Conclusions:</strong> The framework has advanced in the analytical detailing of socio-bioeconomy, including its technological aspect, by bringing it closer to social technology. The framework can also help with technological development in socio-bioeconomy initiatives.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) in Central Amazon: Participatory Management of Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)2025-01-08T15:59:24+00:00Ana Cláudia Torres Gonç Cristina Ribeiro dos<p><strong>Objective:</strong> to describe and critically analyze the participatory management process of pirarucu, a practice developed and monitored by the Mamirauá Institute for Sustainable Development (IDSM) in the Amazon region, highlighting its impact on local communities, its contribution to the bioeconomy and its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). <strong>Theoretical approach:</strong> based on the premise of bioeconomy, the article also considers theories related to participatory management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation. <strong>Method:</strong> a qualitative approach was adopted aligned with quantitative results from data analysis of action research with experts from the Mamirauá Institute on participatory management of pirarucu in the Central Amazon. <strong>Results:</strong> The results show that the approach contributes to the conservation of the species and its habitat, promotes local eco-socioeconomic development, strengthens communities with equity, and is aligned with the bioeconomy, in addition to offering lessons for the SDGs. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> it is concluded that the management of pirarucu carried out by the Mamirauá Institute integrates riverside communities, incorporating traditional knowledge into management and conservation practices. This initiative conserves the species and strengthens the local economy, ensuring stable income.</p>2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Management for Sustainability2024-12-13T12:14:46+00:00Keila Regina Mota Negrãoknegrao@gmail.comSérgio Castro Gomessergio.gomes@unama.brMario Cesar dos Santos de Luiz<p><strong>Objective:</strong> this study proposes a framework that integrates organizational resources and capabilities with sustainability dimensions to support the development of sustainable strategies. Grounded in the natural resourcebased view (NRBV), this framework combines sustainability dimensions with organizational strengths to enhance value creation. Method: using a qualitative, theoretical, and exploratory approach, this study employs bibliographic research to conduct a conceptual analysis centered on strategic management for sustainability. <strong>Thesis:</strong> organizations achieve superior results when the value generated through resources and capabilities, aligned with sustainability dimensions, leads to value appropriation by consumers. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> the proposed framework begins by guiding organizations to identify their existing resources and capabilities. Following this, it encourages managers to explore ways to integrate sustainability into strategies that leverage these internal assets. Additionally, the framework prompts organizations to consider how their offerings (goods or services) can generate value for the enterprise while fostering value appropriation by customers. This value creation is viewed through three key aspects: a strong value proposition from economic and financial perspectives, the wellbeing provided to customers, and the alignment with the organization’s sustainable mission. The framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable, enabling its application across diverse organizational types and allowing for adjustments based on regional contexts. Moreover, it calls for future empirical studies to test, replicate, validate, or refine the framework, contributing to its practical relevance and potential evolution.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)