Communities and Social Technologies in the Development of Sustainable Business Models in the Amazon — Da Tribu’s Case
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Objective: the bioeconomy has been repeatedly highlighted as the main path to sustainable development for the Amazon. However, the advancement of this movement faces numerous challenges, such as the creation of sustainable business models (SBMs) and the change of perspectives regarding old social technologies (STs) and local communities, which are sometimes seen as mere suppliers of raw materials. In order to better understand these challenges, this article aims to identify the role of the community and its social technologies in the design of an SBM. Theoretical approach: based on a single case study of Da Tribu, a biojewelry company located in the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon, we demonstrate the recursive nature of the relationship: ST-communities- SBM. Method: through various primary and secondary data sources (interviews, non-participant observation, and online materials), we demonstrate the relevance of considering social technologies and other particular aspects of Amazonian communities in the design of a business. Results: conceptually, the research contributes to the discussion that brings ST and SBM closer together; the contribution to practice is based on essential points of attention for the creation and management of companies involved in the development of the Amazonian bioeconomy. With regard to communities, the study seeks to highlight voices that have been historically silenced and treated only as resources to be exploited. Conclusions: finally, the discussion highlights points that can also be considered in public policies aimed at the context under discussion.
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