Sustainable Development and the Women’s Movement of the Belém Islands

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Dinaldo Nascimento Araujo orcid
Jones Nogueira Barros orcid


Objective: the debate surrounding the topic of sustainable development has been shaping the agendas of governments, universities, the market, and non-state organizations, among others, for quite some time. However, its effects have yet to achieve the expected outcomes in promoting quality of life, social inclusion, ensuring decent working conditions, and reducing inequalities, especially for historically marginalized and vulnerable groups, such as women. This study aims to identify whether the MMIB is relevant and aligned with sustainable development for its participating members. Theoretical approach: to achieve these objectives, concepts of sustainable development and bioeconomy were employed. Method: using exploratory descriptive research and a qualitative approach, supported by interviews and questionnaires. Result: the results indicate that the movement is composed mainly of women and entrepreneurs who utilize natural resources and dynamic capabilities in their income-generating activities. Within the MMIB, there is an initial stage of a small bioeconomy chain. Conclusions: the contribution of this study lies in identifying a movement in the Amazon that, in a simple manner, applies the concepts of sustainable development and bioeconomy, earning recognition from its peers.


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Araujo, D. N., & Barros, J. N. (2025). Sustainable Development and the Women’s Movement of the Belém Islands. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(6), e240175.
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