Novelties Production and Contextual Knowledge in the RECA Project in Rondônia

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Verlaine Alves da Cunha Ribeiro orcid
Dércio Bernardes-de-Souza orcid
Maria Clarice Alves da Costa orcid
Sabrina Sissy Carvalho Correa Alves orcid


Objective: this article aims to analyze how contextual knowledge contributes to the production of novelty in the Association of Small Agroforestry Farmers of the Consortium and Densified Economic Reforestation Project and the RECA Project Cooperative, in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. Theoretical approach: in carrying out the research, alternative theoretical approaches were used, exploring a theoretical path in the various categories of knowledge and modernization in agriculture, bringing them closer to the theory of the production of novelties. Method: using a qualitative methodology, we opted for a case study, with data collection involving family farmers and managers of the RECA project cooperative, using semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. Results: the results showed that the main innovations came from the contextual knowledge of the family farmers who, by deviating from the conventional path, came together, exchanging experiences and developing new production practices using species characteristic of the region. The cooperative has enabled farmers to establish new partnerships; develop new processes and products; increase their competitiveness and access new markets; obtain organic certification, which has resulted in greater appreciation of the product and improved awareness on the part of the farmer with regard to environmental contributions; and produce biofertilizers and organic compost based on the reorganization of internal resources. Conclusion: the study contributes to understanding local dynamics, reinforcing the importance of interaction between local and scientific knowledge. It identifies that the cooperative’s collaborative structure not only favors the exchange of knowledge but also adaptation to local realities, contributing to the discussion in this area.


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Ribeiro, V. A. da C., Bernardes-de-Souza , D., Costa, M. C. A. da, & Alves, S. S. C. C. (2025). Novelties Production and Contextual Knowledge in the RECA Project in Rondônia. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(6), e240192.
Theoretical-empirical Articles


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