Do Organizational Virtues Enhance Work Well-being? The Mediator Role of HRM Practices

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Gisela Demo orcid
Elaine Rabelo Neiva orcid
Karla Veloso Coura orcid
Sinésio Gomide Júnior orcid
Ana Carolina Rezende Costa orcid


Context: over the last decades, positive psychology has brought up the need for research on positive emotions and attitudes, such as organizational virtues and well-being at work. Moreover, there is evidence that virtues may influence the perception about human resource management practices, constituting a driver of well-being in work context. However, literature signalizes the gap regarding research models covering the relation between these three variables. Objective: this study aimed to evaluate the relation between organizational virtues and well-being at work, mediated by the perception of HRM practices. Methodology: the research is classified as quantitative, carried out through a survey, with 286 participants, using structural equation modeling through the JASP software. Results: results confirmed the partial mediation played by HRM practices in the proposed model, bringing a theoretical contribution by joining the three variables into a single model, with psychometric evidence of the strong prediction of organizational virtues on HRM practices and well-being at work. Conclusion: as a managerial implication, our findings compose a diagnosis that shed light on the relevance for managers in organizations to prioritize organizational virtues and HRM practices in order to enhance healthier work environments.


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Demo, G., Neiva, E. R., Coura, K. V., Gomide Júnior, S., & Costa, A. C. R. (2021). Do Organizational Virtues Enhance Work Well-being? The Mediator Role of HRM Practices. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 26(6), e200144.
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