Avaliação do programa de gestão inter-institucional Circuito Sul Mineiro de Cafeicultura na região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais
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The state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, government by mean of its public institutions created the Southern Minas Gerais Circuit of Coffee Culture program in the search for the following objectives: to improve the quality of coffee, increase yield and reduce production costs. Nevertheless, in spite of the importance of this program as a subside to the solution of problems related with coffee culture, it has not been evaluated yet. Therefore, this work was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the Southern Minas Gerais Circuit of Coffee Culture, taking into account a methodological approach guided by different research methods, surveying the stated objectives and its effectiveness concerning the reached results. In this work, a theoretical referential based which guided the analytic perspectives contained in the section of results and discussions was accomplished. By this research work, it was stressed that the combination of quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (semi-structured norm) proved to be a adequate and complementary approach to extract data and to evaluate the program under focus. Further, evidence that the objective stated by the program was partially attained, by basing upon the coffee growers, perceptions who the direct users of the Program.
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Romaniello, M. M., Amâncio, R., & De Benedicto, S. C. (1). Avaliação do programa de gestão inter-institucional Circuito Sul Mineiro de Cafeicultura na região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 11(1), 119-137. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552007000100007
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