Match & Matters: Challenges of (Intra)Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation

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Samara de Carvalho Pedro orcid
Raissa Helena Paiva Apolinario orcid
Ed de Almeida Carlos orcid
Edson Sadao Iizuka orcid


Motivated by the desire to generate social transformation, Larissa created the Match & Matters platform to connect agents focused on businesses with a positive socio-environmental impact, aiming to align profit with socio-environmental benefits. Despite the support of senior management at Deloitte, the company where she worked and where she decided to become an intrapreneur, and despite M&M’s potential to integrate business areas, Larissa faced challenges regarding the profitability of the platform compared to the business models already consolidated in the organization. However, she felt anxious about the platform’s future within the company and about how to demonstrate its business potential in an organization with already established niches. Thus, the dilemma was how to maximize the platform’s opportunities and overcome challenges to maintain its viability, balancing positive impact and open innovation within a traditional corporate environment. This teaching case presents Larissa’s journey, highlighting the concepts of: entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to achieve professional goals; open innovation to create effective solutions; and Sustainability to promote positive transformations, considering the economic, social, and environmental aspects within an innovative business model.


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How to Cite
Pedro, S. de C., Apolinario, R. H. P., Carlos, E. de A., & Iizuka, E. S. (2024). Match & Matters: Challenges of (Intra)Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(4), e240036.
Cases for Teaching


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