Markets Interaction: Food Market Interdefinition Agencing

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Karim Marini Thome
Giselle Cappellesso


Objective: in order to collaborate with the ongoing research program on how markets intersect and overlap, this theoretical essay introduces the notion of market interdefinition agencing. Theoretical framework: the theoretical framework draws on previous constructivist market studies on the process of framing, overflowing, translation, and agencing in a market interaction context. Methods: to illustrate the market interdefinition agencing, this article uses a theoretical essay on slow and fast food markets. Results: this essay depicts how slow food can be seen as an overflow in opposition to fast food framing, agencing opposite sociotechnical elements for the construction of this new frame, and how slow food also contributes
to a new fast food frame. Conclusion: first, this essay shows that both food markets entangle and disentangle sociotechnical elements that move away from or closer to each other, translating and agencing their sociotechnical arrangements. Second, market interdefinition agencing is delineated as a process of market interrelation that happens through the capacity of actors to shape markets, where a previous market is used as a reference to influence another market frame.


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Thome, K. M., & Cappellesso, G. (2024). Markets Interaction: Food Market Interdefinition Agencing. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(3), e230275.
Theoretical-empirical Articles


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