The Journal of Contemporary Administration (RAC):

The Journal of Contemporary Administration (Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC) was created in 1997 and is published bimonthly (continuous publication) by ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management), with open access to its full text (peer-reviewed) content online. Registered under ISSN 1982-7849 (online) and ISSN 1415-6555 (print version from 1997 to 2010)

RAC accepts submissions from research efforts supported by different approaches. The submitted texts must address contemporary issues of regional importance without losing sight of the articulations of the global context. Thus, the objective is to encourage debates, the development of public policies, and new forms of management in line with contemporary social challenges. Proposals for special issues by guests are encouraged and welcomed. Besides the Editorial, the journal publishes seven types of manuscripts: Theoretical-empirical Articles; Theoretical Essays; Methodological Articles; Provocations; Executive Letters; Technological Articles; and Cases for Teaching.

RAC is aligned with Open Science practices: open data, materials, codes, education, peer-review, and preprints, in addition to the dissemination of additional information related to the editorial process. All datasets and materials published by RAC are available on our page at Harvard Dataverse. In addition, RAC, through its editorial scope, prioritizes works that explore topics relevant to society. And, for that, it uses the themes highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN.


                                                                                                          Instructions for Authors       



Indicators (1st Semester of 2024)

The average period of the desk-review process: is 9 days (between submission and the editors' initial review if the manuscript is rejected or proceeds to peer review).

The average period of the first round of peer review: is 79 days (between the first submission and the decision of the first peer review round).

The average period of the complete peer review process: is 134 days (between the first submission, the peer-review complete process, and a final decision of acceptance or rejection).

The average period between acceptance and publication: is 23 days (between acceptance and publication of the article as Early Access or directly to an issue).

Submission acceptance rate: 11%


Main indexers and repositories:


Access the complete listing in the “Editorial Policies” menu.

 The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics.

Qualis (CAPES): A2 - Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism (2017-2020 Quadrennium)

Check out the journal website's new Advanced Search tool


It is now possible to expand your search through the "Advanced Search" button, available on the top menu of the RAC website. Some examples of what you can do with the tool are:
  • - For Cases for Teaching, it is possible to refine the search (filter) according to the descriptors "discipline", "subject", "industry" and "geography";
  • - Search for terms in the abstract of published articles;
  • - Search for terms among the keywords of the published articles;
  • - Refine the search (filter) by Issue and Section (published manuscript type);
  • - Sort the results by title, section, or issue.

Vol. 28 No. 6 (2024): Nov-Dec (Special Issue)

Bioeconomy and Innovative and Sustainable Businesses in the Context of Natural Resource Management and Confrontation of Climate Change in the Amazon

Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinho, Mariluce Paes-de-Souza, Ana Maria de Albuquerque Vasconcellos, Irma García-Serrano, Emilio F. Moran



Governance and Value Appropriation in the Cocoa Bioeconomy at Amazonas

Lucas Xavier Trindade, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes, José Augusto Lacerda Fernandes, Jacques Marcovitch



Content Marketing and Digital Engagement in Amazonian Sustainable Tourism

Edwin Arango Espinal, Carlos Fernando Osorio Andrade, Carlos Alberto Arango Pastrana



Entrepreneurial Education for Amazon’s Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the Genesis Program

Lucas Carregari da Rosa Carneiro, Hellen Kezia Silva Almada, Rosane Barbosa Lopes Cavalcante



Experimentalist Governance in Bioeconomy: Insights from the Brazilian Amazon

Vanessa Cuzziol Pinsky, Jacques Marcovitch, Adalberto Luis Val




Sociobioeconomy and Social Technology in the Amazon Region: An Integrated Framework Proposition

Diana Cruz Rodrigues, Artur da Silva Ribeiro, João Paulo dos Santos da Silva, Cláudia Souza Passador



Bioeconomy in Central Amazon: Participatory Management of Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)

Ana Cláudia Torres Gonçalves, Luciane Cristina Ribeiro dos Santos



Sustainable Development and the Women’s Movement of the Belém Islands

Dinaldo Nascimento Araujo, Jones Nogueira Barros



Communities and Social Technologies in the Development of Sustainable Business Models in the Amazon — Da Tribu’s Case

José Augusto Lacerda Fernandes, Ana Clara Aparecida Alves de Souza



Minimum Price Guarantee for Sociobiodiversity Products in Pará, Brazil

Diego Fonseca Mascarenhas, Alberto de Moraes Papaléo Paes, Laurimar de Matos Farias, Tamara Lima Martins Faria



Novelties Production and Contextual Knowledge in the RECA Project in RondĂ´nia

Verlaine Alves da Cunha Ribeiro, DĂ©rcio Bernardes-de-Souza , Maria Clarice Alves da Costa, Sabrina Sissy Carvalho Correa Alves



Strategic Management for Sustainability

Keila Regina Mota NegrĂŁo, SĂ©rgio Castro Gomes, Mario Cesar dos Santos de Carvalho, Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer



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