Strategic Management for Sustainability
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Objective: this study proposes a framework that integrates organizational resources and capabilities with sustainability dimensions to support the development of sustainable strategies. Grounded in the natural resourcebased view (NRBV), this framework combines sustainability dimensions with organizational strengths to enhance value creation. Method: using a qualitative, theoretical, and exploratory approach, this study employs bibliographic research to conduct a conceptual analysis centered on strategic management for sustainability. Thesis: organizations achieve superior results when the value generated through resources and capabilities, aligned with sustainability dimensions, leads to value appropriation by consumers. Conclusions: the proposed framework begins by guiding organizations to identify their existing resources and capabilities. Following this, it encourages managers to explore ways to integrate sustainability into strategies that leverage these internal assets. Additionally, the framework prompts organizations to consider how their offerings (goods or services) can generate value for the enterprise while fostering value appropriation by customers. This value creation is viewed through three key aspects: a strong value proposition from economic and financial perspectives, the wellbeing provided to customers, and the alignment with the organization’s sustainable mission. The framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable, enabling its application across diverse organizational types and allowing for adjustments based on regional contexts. Moreover, it calls for future empirical studies to test, replicate, validate, or refine the framework, contributing to its practical relevance and potential evolution.
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