Epistemological Reflections and Doing Science in Contemporary Administration

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Carolina Andion
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4723-3437 orcid


RAC has prioritized studies that advance the scientific debate in the field of contemporary administration, favoring original and interdisciplinary studies with epistemological approaches expanding conceptual boundaries and innovatively connecting theory and practice. RAC values responsible knowledge production that contributes in and out of academia. Given this, it is vital to reinforce a research agenda for administration, broadening the horizons of epistemological and metatheoretical discussions on the content of the knowledge produced and on how this knowledge is produced. Such a research agenda must focus on the field’s scientific practices, the scope and limits, and the consequences of these practices in academia and beyond. This editorial presents some reflections and contributions to thinking about new epistemological paths and supporting the use of new praxeological avenues in the field. The intention is to help consolidate a research agenda on epistemology and practices in the scientific work of administration oriented toward the most prominent societal challenges.


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Andion, C. (2023). Epistemological Reflections and Doing Science in Contemporary Administration. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 27(2), e230017. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2023230017.en


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