Introduction to the Special Issue Call for Qualitative Research Tutorials in Contemporary Administration Studies: An Editorial

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Evelyn Lanka orcid
Ali Rostron orcid
Pallavi Singh orcid
Sanjay Lanka orcid


In the editorial for our special issue call, we outlined our perspective of qualitative research and the need to address the teaching of qualitative methods to help foster more rigorous application of qualitative research in contemporary administration and management studies. Our call for tutorial papers in RAC (Revista de Administração Contemporânea) was the mechanism through which we aimed to promote awareness, understanding, and learning of how to properly and effectively apply qualitative research methods for administration and management researchers. This current editorial aims to position our special issues as well as present our thoughts on important and pressing issues related to qualitative research in contemporary administration and management studies. We believe these issues are critical to the future of qualitative research in our field. We will also present the papers that were accepted to the special issue and outline how each one promotes understanding of qualitative research methods.


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Lanka, E., Rostron, A., Singh, P., & Lanka, S. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue Call for Qualitative Research Tutorials in Contemporary Administration Studies: An Editorial. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 26(4), e210333.


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