Reflecting on Contemporary Administration

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Marcelo de Souza Bispo orcid


In my first editorial of Journal of Contemporary Administration (RAC), I would like to start by expressing my joy and drive to continue the scientific and editorial work of this nearly 25-year-old journal. I am grateful both to the current ANPAD board (2021-2024) for their trust in me and to all editors that preceded me (Clóvis Luiz Machado-da-Silva, César Gonçalves Neto, Tomas de Aquino Guimarães, Rogério Hermida Quintella, Herbert Kimura, and Wesley Mendes-da-Silva) for their contributions to leading RAC to its current level of excellence. I hope to measure up (along with the entire editorial team) and I will do all my best to keep RAC as a national reference and contribute to its international prestige in the field of administration. I am quite aware of the responsibilities and challenges ahead.


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Bispo, M. de S. (2021). Reflecting on Contemporary Administration. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 26(1), e210203.


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