Relacional: Easing the Crisis Effects in the Education Sector

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Adrian Kemmer Cernev orcid
Letícia Fantinato Menegon orcid
Marta de Campos Maia orcid


This teaching case addresses the need for change in Relacional’s business strategy, driven by the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Brazilian educational sector in the first half of 2020. The startup is a software warehouse whose systems seek to solve specific problems of educational institutions, from basic to higher level, such as relationship, attraction, and retention of students. In the midst of a scenario of probable crisis in the sector, the partners seek business alternatives to assist educational institutions while wanting to ensure the growth and continuity of the company itself. Applicable in Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and IT courses in undergraduate and graduate Business Management programs, this case addresses concepts of Information Economy, models of offer and pricing of software.


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How to Cite
Cernev, A. K., Menegon, L. F., & Maia, M. de C. (2021). Relacional: Easing the Crisis Effects in the Education Sector. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 26(1), e200377.
Cases for Teaching


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