Our Calendar Stopped! The Organizational Change at UFPB due to COVID-19

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Diana Lucia Teixeira-de-Carvalho
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6454-8604 orcid
Jose Jorge Lima Dias Junior
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4381-1930 orcid
Ana Carolina Kruta-Bispo
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0664-8575 orcid


This teaching case aims to analyze the context of the Federal University of Paraíba, which experiences the impacts of social isolation due to COVID-19, especially in conducting undergraduate classes, considering that the activities face-to-face were suspended. The case presents the facts related to the possibility of implementing a supplementary calendar, based on the concept of remote emergency teaching. Because of this scenario, the Pro-Rectory of Graduation managers needed to plan carefully to manage the uncertainties and resistance to changes that such a proposal would represent, mainly because there were no models to be based on since practically all public HEIs have suspended graduation classes. The case raises a significant dilemma: in the face of the challenges of implementing a supplementary remote calendar, is it better to follow or step back? The pedagogical objectives of this teaching case involve: analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on organizational behavior; discuss aspects related to the implementation of organizational changes; identify the use of data for decision-making and support for organizational change; and making decisions in the face of managerial dilemmas. Its analysis can be done by undergraduate students, in Administration and Public Management courses.


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How to Cite
Teixeira-de-Carvalho, D. L., Dias Junior, J. J. L., & Kruta-Bispo, A. C. (2021). Our Calendar Stopped! The Organizational Change at UFPB due to COVID-19. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(Spe), e200249. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2021200249.en
Cases for Teaching


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