Facile/LigFerv: Hot Water in Three Seconds, Thirty Years of Entrepreneurial Process

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João Paulo Moreira Silva
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9470-2905 orcid
Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3346-2207 orcid
José Márcio de Castro
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3170-9456 orcid


This teaching case aims to discuss an entrepreneurial process involving the trajectory of an innovative product over thirty years until culminating in a significant event in the change of the company’s business model in the midst of the crisis triggered by the pandemic of the new coronavirus. The case offers opportunities for discussing theories related to the entrepreneurial process — causation and effectuation logic. In addition, in the course of the recent trajectory, in which the company is selected for an acceleration program, a possible change in the business model emerges. Reported from the perspective of the founder, but also supported by materials from secondary sources, the case presents the trajectory of Facile. The teaching strategy consists in enabling the student to learn, first, about the entrepreneur’s decision-making and action, emulating transitions between the causation and effectuation logic throughout the case to explain such behavior. Subsequently, the case inquires about possible alternatives for changing the business model for the company after the acceleration program, in which students will be able to identify more suitable alternatives in the face of both the company’s skills and, not least, the pandemic that changed the behavior of customers and entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite
Silva, J. P. M., Guimarães, L. de O., & Castro, J. M. de. (2021). Facile/LigFerv: Hot Water in Three Seconds, Thirty Years of Entrepreneurial Process. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(Spe), e200221. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2021200221.en
Cases for Teaching


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