Pandemic, Samba, and Diogo Nogueira’s Livestreams: Platform Management Challenges

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Marco Aurelio de Souza Rodrigues orcid
Daniel Kamlot orcid
Anita Vasconcelos de Carvalho orcid


This case explores a situation that affected almost all artists — especially musicians — after the COVID-19 pandemic occurred: the need to perform shows in a context where agglomerations are prohibited. Based on the reality of the famous samba singer Diogo Nogueira, a situation is presented in which the decision to make presentations through lives is evaluated. From this scenario, the possible options are exposed for Diogo to remain in evidence before an audience still eager for entertainment. The case makes it possible to discuss strategy, platform management, and innovation. It is recommended to be used in strategy subjects for postgraduate courses.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, M. A. de S., Kamlot, D., & Carvalho, A. V. de. (2021). Pandemic, Samba, and Diogo Nogueira’s Livestreams: Platform Management Challenges. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(Spe), e200225.
Cases for Teaching


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