“Not one less”! Adaptation to the Home Office in Times of COVID-19

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Thaís Lopes de Lucena Alves
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3183-2569 orcid
Amanda Florense Alves Amorim
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0445-5179 orcid
Maria Clara Cunha Bezerra
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0399-1335 orcid


This case describes the process of changing Chianca Softwares’ face-to-face work regime to the home office during government decrees caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. Chianca Softwares, a family company, which has been a player in the technology market in the state of Paraíba since 2003, went through a process of change in its governance model in 2012, and due to the improvements in its processes, it was awarded the Prêmio Média e Pequenas Empresas (MPE) of Sebrae PB in 2016. Given its adaptability, it faced the coronavirus crisis differently, overcame difficulties, and needed to reinvent itself to survive the ‘new normal.’ In this context, the case aims to lead students to reflect on the home office implementation process in Chianca, to identify the benefits and challenges of this teleworking regime and to think about ways to mitigate these challenges and create tools and practices to mobilize, integrate, and engage people in remote work. Thus, after restructuring its entire team to the new model of work in the home office, students are led to reflect on the dilemma that Chianca managers face due to the release of their face-to-face activities: stay in the home office regime or return to original patterns.


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How to Cite
Alves, T. L. de L., Amorim, A. F. A., & Bezerra, M. C. C. (2021). “Not one less”! Adaptation to the Home Office in Times of COVID-19. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 25(Spe), e200234. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2021200234.en
Cases for Teaching


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