The relationship of communication and construction management as a process of transformation conversations/texts

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Ricardo Rocha de Oliveira
Antônio Edésio Jungles


This paper discusses the relationship between communication and construction management based on the concepts of The Montreal School of organizational communication. In the conceptual review, two theoretical orientations are presented: (a) construction management as a temporary organization; (b) organization as a constant transformation of conversations into texts. The research methods are presented with a description of the context of the communicative events and the forms of data collection and analysis. In order to discuss the conceptualization, the selection, transcription and analysis of a conversation which took place during an operational planning meeting of a construction is presented. As a result of the analysis, it was observed how the conversation and the language resources used enable the emergence of a collective comprehension, with the transformation of several agents into one collective actor, one text, which expresses how the organization will deal with a situation. The contribution of communication and organization was highlighted in two ways: (a) the observation of communication theories in the context of temporary organization and, specifically, construction management; (b) the presentation of a methodology for the collection, selection and analysis of episodes of communicative events which occurred in the workplace.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, R. R. de, & Jungles, A. E. (1). The relationship of communication and construction management as a process of transformation conversations/texts. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 15(3), 476-497.