Resource based view and the collleges in Fortaleza: an analysis before and after the LDB/96

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Maise Soares Pereira
Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante Forte


Colleges in Fortaleza have been through major changes in its competitive market, mainly after the institution of the "Diretrizes e Bases" regulation law in 1996. Considering the two distinct periods of competitive environment (before and after 1996), this research tried to evaluate the Resource Based View theory in strategics contexts as it was investigated by Miller and Shamsie (1996) in the Hollywood studios. Aiming to identify which resources were important to Fortaleza colleges before 1996 and those which still are core after that, 10 Deans were interviewed from the most traditional and biggest colleges in town. The questionnaire, adapted from Thompson and Cole's (1997), allowed to identify the seven more and the three less relevant resources to different context environments. Results showed that, despite a number of common core competencies to those distinguished moments, the competitive characteristics of each period required specific and differentiated resources, indicating the need of RBV theory to fit external environment.


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Pereira, M. S., & Forte, S. H. A. C. (1). Resource based view and the collleges in Fortaleza: an analysis before and after the LDB/96. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 12(1), 107-129.