RH policies: instruments of consensus and ambiguities

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Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da Silva
Gelson Silva Junquilho
Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri


This paper proposes to discuss: at work place, could be Human Resources (HR) policies be thought by integrated organizational view or something can make dissent on it? The integration proposal from authors like Deal and Kennedy (1982) and Schein (1985), difficulty the knowledge of heterogenic constructions, existent at HR. Otherwise, authors like Reed (1989), Martin (1992) and Aktouf (1994) think HR policies as a fragmentation maker of organization. That discussion was supported by the study of HR policies at a Regional from a Brazilian Mail Enterprise. The basis to research was collected from documents and semi-structured interviews with 26 actors in some management levels. The content analysis was applied (Bardin, 1977). Repetitions of words, sentences, ideas and interest topics was looked for (Bogdan & Biklen, 1994). As conclusion, the study shows that HR policies should be recontextualized in terms of the recognition that they are linked to integration and to organizational fragmentation, inserted in a mediation process of differences socially constructed.


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Silva, A. R. L. da, Junquilho, G. S., & Carrieri, A. de P. (1). RH policies: instruments of consensus and ambiguities. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 12(1), 11-34. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552008000100002