Accessibility and Technology in Smart City Construction

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Carlos Augusto Alperstedt Neto
Carlos Roberto de Rolt
Graziela Dias Alperstedt


Population growth resulting from the urbanization process without proper planning has generated a number of social problems in cities, such as acess to housing, violence, unemployment and social exclusion. In this context, accessibility issues emerge prominently, mainly considering the increase in the awareness of people for equal rights. The use of technology provides a revision of this problem, helping not only in issues such as accessibility, but above all in the sense of making cities more human and intelligent. From this context, this work aimed to construct a technological artifact to mitigate the problem and propagate information about accessibility. The fundamentals are based on crowdsensing concepts and smart cities, and use the design research method. Data collection techniques include closed questionnaires, interviews, and iconographic data. As result, we present an application that can be used from a computer or smartphone, either actively or passively.


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How to Cite
Alperstedt Neto, C. A., Rolt, C. R. de, & Alperstedt, G. D. (1). Accessibility and Technology in Smart City Construction. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 22(2), 291-310.
Technological Articles