Participação nos lucros ou resultados: oportunidade ou desafio para o movimento sindical?

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Sérgio Silveira Martins


The potential of profits or results sharing (PRS) has been presented to business sector, as well as the strategy for compromising or as alternative to salary raising. Having in mind the participation of the union in colective deals in Brazil has been guaranteed only as of August of 1997, and before the position of companies, from the actual moment of crisis or impass that the union's movement is being throught and the specific nature of the PRS negociations, many challenges are anousing in the area of capacitation and negociation challenge, as well as burocratic/administrative organization of the union entities. In that sense, the present study has its object to analise the evolution, preparation, actions, and the point of view of the union's liders reguarding PRS. While analising the charateristics of the deals alreary signed, one may observe that the majority has chosen results sharing, where the payment conditions are the existence of goals and fixed bonus, that is, such programs may become an opportunist way to transform the old bonus or annual surety in PRS, since these don't require social duties and the old salary negociations have lost its importance because of the economic stability.


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How to Cite
Martins, S. S. (1). Participação nos lucros ou resultados: oportunidade ou desafio para o movimento sindical?. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 4(3), 47-65.
Author Biography

Sérgio Silveira Martins, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Professor do Curso de Administração da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais e Coordenador do Curso de Administração da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Unidade Betim. Suas áreas de interesse em pesquisa são novas formas de remuneração, salário flexível ou variável.