Does Dionysius wear Chilli Beans ?: mythological analysis of the "Pepper Brand" advertising

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Ildembergue Leite de Souza
André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão


With a growing emphasis on the symbolic dimension of consumption, brands have started to act as channels of self-expression and transformation of culture and society, while producing and reproducing myths. One of the major mechanisms used for this purpose is advertising. Chilli Beans can be presented as a brand that adopts this premise. Therefore, this research was guided by the following question: How do myths reproduced in Chilli Beans's advertising function to give the brand meaning? To this purpose, we used Barthesian Semiology to analyze print advertising developed by the brand along its history. Results reveal a reproduction of twelve myths that sustain the metanarrative that gives meaning to the brand: hedonism.


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Souza, I. L. de, & Leão, A. L. M. de S. (1). Does Dionysius wear Chilli Beans ?: mythological analysis of the "Pepper Brand" advertising. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 17(5), 574-597.