Competence-based management in labor relations: what do the unionists think?

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Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da Cruz
Amyra Moyzes Sarsur
Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim


The Brazilian macroeconomic environment has pointed to improvements in labor market, employment and income indicators, a context which should help union activity. However, traditional standards in labor relations have been maintained, especially in terms of pressures on workers to improve eligibility requirements and be accountable for results, without unions pressuring the government and organizations back. This article aims to analyze, under the distinct perspective of unions (collective representation of workers), to what extent the implementation of competence-based management systems has become a union issue, since they are considered a modern business management tool and have been adopted by many of the largest organizations. Methodology was based on a qualitative approach, using documentary and field research. Investigation steps consisted of: (a) literature review; (b) analysis of relational database; (c) expert panel; and (d) focus group. The results indicate that competence-based management is an unknown term in collective bargaining by unions, reducing their ability to identify and counter demanding and abusive goals, which is their main purpose. As such, the government doesn't assume its role of promoting skill development and organizations maintain their control over workers.


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Cruz, M. V. G. da, Sarsur, A. M., & Amorim, W. A. C. de. (1). Competence-based management in labor relations: what do the unionists think?. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 16(5), 705-722.