Social networks in the scientific production of postgraduate programs of accounting sciences in Brazil

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Sabrina do Nascimento
Ilse Maria Beuren


This study aims to identify the development of social networks in the final scientific production of the 2007-2009 triennial of post graduate programs in accounting sciences in Brazil. A descriptive research, done through a bibliometric and sociometric study, was conducted, considering the 199 permanent faculties of 21 master and doctoral postgraduate programs in accounting sciences, distributed in 17 institutions of higher education. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics were used, with the aid of UNICET ® 6 software to create cooperation networks between the programs under study. The results show that the evolution of final scientific production in the 2007-2009 triennial was, in percentage terms, higher in grade 3 programs; the final scientific production published in journals by the programs" faculty analyzed is scattered throughout Qualis CAPES stratifications; and that the centrality of the social network is taken by the USP program. It was concluded that, in general, the postgraduate programs of accounting sciences have weak, scattered and sparse links.


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How to Cite
Nascimento, S. do, & Beuren, I. M. (1). Social networks in the scientific production of postgraduate programs of accounting sciences in Brazil. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 15(1), 47-66.