Organizational architectures for R&D in Brazilian electrical companies
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This article aims to evaluate the organizational architecture models currently being adopted by the Brazilian electrical energy companies to properly manage the Program of Research and Development [R&D], instituted by Law 9.991 (2000) and made operational by the Brazilian Electrical Energy Agency [ANEEL]. As a conceptual research model, the five dimensions proposed by Galbratih's Star Model (1995) were used: strategy, structure, processes, people and reward systems. The research was conducted with four concessionaries of electrical energy through interviews and documental analysis, and the results indicate the existence, basically, of two models of architecture for the structuring of the R&D area. The first model is found in companies that use a more structured planning of R&D, even though they manage it through an informal and small organizational structure. The investments made in training are relatively few, as are incentives for participation. In the second group, there is an indication of the existence of formal areas for the management of the program, even though the strategies for investing in R&D have yet to be well defined. New studies that allow for the evaluation of effectiveness of organizational architectures concerning the performance of the projects portfolio are pertinent and necessary.
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Fernandino, J. A., & Oliveira, J. L. de. (1). Organizational architectures for R&D in Brazilian electrical companies. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 14(6), 1073-1093.
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