Family snapshots through the eyes of successors: a study of the family organization

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Fernanda Tarabal Lopes
Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri


This study seeks to understand the link between the subject herself and her work at the organization, which characterizes whether or not to remain in the family business. Thus, a study has been conducted with the heiresses of family businesses. From their background we sought to understand the links established among those who remained in the family business and those who abandoned it, through the non-linkage understanding. The psychoanalytic approach and the theories of the social linkage provided important contributions to the analysis of the phenomenon in question. The results have shown that whether the heiress remains or leaves is not only related to organizational issues but also to the household environment and psychological questions. The emergence of these issues showed that the subjective link and the psychological relations observed were involved in the business logic, which was configured as a reflection of experiences in the family space. The analysis made in this work accounts for only the tip of the iceberg that tends not to be considered in discussions about this type of organization.


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How to Cite
Lopes, F. T., & Carrieri, A. de P. (1). Family snapshots through the eyes of successors: a study of the family organization. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 14(3), 478-494.