Cointegration and brazilian ADR price discovery

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Claudio Akira Kawamoto
Carlos Tadao Kawamoto


This paper examines double-listing contribution for the price discovery of Brazilian stocks negotiated at the NYSE through ADRs. It examines whether the prices of stock/ADR pairs have their own common long term relation or, alternatively, whether the prices are cointegrated. Furthermore, it quantifies the contribution of each asset (ADR and stock) in long term price formation through the method proposed by Eun and Sabherwal (2003). Complementing the work of Sanvicente (1998), which analyzes the cointegration between the Ibovespa and Dow Jones indexes, this paper examines the cointegration hypothesis using disaggregated data, with a sample of 32 stocks that jointly made up over 67% of the volume of the Brazilian Market and its respective ADRs between February 1999 and June 2006. The results show that in only 15 pairs is there a long-term relationship between stock and its ADR. The results also show that the parameters of the vector error correction model (VECM) are statistically significant in only two pairs, demonstrating that the necessary adjustments for the maintenance of a long term equilibrium occur in both markets for only 6.25% of the sample.


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How to Cite
Kawamoto, C. A., & Kawamoto, C. T. (1). Cointegration and brazilian ADR price discovery. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 13(2), 272-290.