Comércio eletrônico: fazendo negócios por meio da internet

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Eduardo Henrique Diniz


Electronic commerce has potential for levering business activities to add value to products and services, either in business-to-business or in business-to-customer transactions. Based on the Internet, which supports the global on-line business infrastructure, electronic commerce is growing fast all over the world. However, this speed and reach confront many obstacles. There are technological, cultural, organizational and structural barriers braking electronic commerce development. These barriers to develop the on-line commerce must be considered for a better understanding of the potential effects on business environment.


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How to Cite
Diniz, E. H. (1). Comércio eletrônico: fazendo negócios por meio da internet. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 3(1), 71-86.
Author Biography

Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Doutorando na Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Professor da FAAP, com interesse em pesquisa na área de comércio eletrônico, particularmente nas suas implicações para o sistema bancário.Â