Determinantes da propensão para inovar e da intensidade inovativa em empresas da indústria de alimentos do Brasil

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José Ednilson de Oliveira Cabral


This paper defines the relative role of firms' characteristics on both their likelihood to innovate and the intensity of innovations. Specifically, on the basis of a survey of food firms, it identifies which innovative and complementary assets, when combined in a multivariate framework, are firstly statistically significant in distinguishing innovating from non-innovating firms in the Brazilian Food Industry (BFI), and secondly in distinguishing more from less innovating firms. The objective requires that the analytical model should be adequate to explain firstly the differences observed between an individual firm's likelihood to innovate, and secondly the differences in innovation intensity between innovating firms. Thus, a double-hurdle approach involving censored and truncated models was applied. The findings confirm that firms' innovative assets investment in external technology, investment in R&D, and external alliances, alongside firm size are the significant variables in determining firms' likelihood to innovate, whereas external alliances, firm size and market orientation are related to intensity to innovate in the BFI.


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How to Cite
Cabral, J. E. de O. (1). Determinantes da propensão para inovar e da intensidade inovativa em empresas da indústria de alimentos do Brasil. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 11(4), 87-108.