Um estudo exploratório sobre a homogeneidade do crescimento das empresas brasileiras no período 1995 - 2003

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Edson Ferreira de Oliveira


The central point of the study is the measurement of brazilian firms' growth homogeneity level in the last decade, from january/1995 to december/2003. The measure is carried out based on mathematical model which adapts the cluster theory to the correlations between operational returns of brazilian firms belonging to various economics activity branches. Non-financial firms, chosen for the study, try to represent, by their diversity, the brazilian economy in spite of the data collection natural restrictions presented by consolidated information systems. As far as the model is concerned, the results obtained show that the brazilian firms reached a low level of growth homogeneity in the analyzed period, suggesting that brazilian economy growth is a heterogeneous process, possibly associated to regional disequilibrium of a continental size country.


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Oliveira, E. F. de. (1). Um estudo exploratório sobre a homogeneidade do crescimento das empresas brasileiras no período 1995 - 2003. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 11(2), 135-150.