Compreendendo os valores das marcas: aplicação da lista de valores em diferentes indústrias

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André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão
Arcanjo Ferreira de Souza Neto
Sérgio Carvalho Benício de Mello


What makes a brand desirable? There are plenty of evidence indicating that consumers make brand decisions based on the congruence between brand value and customer value. This study aims to verify and analyze perceived brands values, having as a reference the brand personality concept. For that, the list of values (LOV) has been used to measure brands acting in three different industries (fashion, civil aviation and grocery stores). A sample of 296 respondents was consulted. Data indicates a tendency on brand value perception by industry. A same value was considered the most important for all brands analyzed by industry. Besides, new LOV clustering dimensions were identified. Conclusions are drawn and indicate that investigated brand values are based on personality characteristics driven by the id and the superego mental systems. Managerial implications related to brand identity construction are discussed at the end of the paper.


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How to Cite
Leão, A. L. M. de S., Souza Neto, A. F. de, & Mello, S. C. B. de. (1). Compreendendo os valores das marcas: aplicação da lista de valores em diferentes indústrias. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 11(2), 27-48.