Reflexões estratégicas sobre o composto promocional de marketing no contexto da internet: um estudo exploratório junto a uma instituição financeira
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The present study describes the interdisciplinary between Internet and Marketing discipline and was developed to provide an analysis of the Internet implications on the promotion marketing mix. The study is developed under the modality of exploratory research, complemented by a case study, and it is composed by a bibliography revision, a critical conceptual analysis of some pertinent aspects of the Internet and Marketing discipline. The exploratory survey was based in an interview guidebook used with the marketing staff. The result of the research was that the Internet is an important component in the promotion marketing mix of the Banco do Brasil.
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How to Cite
Toledo, L. A., Caigawa, S. M., & Rocha, T. J. (1). Reflexões estratégicas sobre o composto promocional de marketing no contexto da internet: um estudo exploratório junto a uma instituição financeira. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 10(1), 117-138.
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