Fundamentos sobre o estudo da dinâmica das inovações no agribusiness

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Rosa Teresa Moreira Machado


This article is theoretical and conceptual, aiming to a realistic explanation for the innovation dynamics in agricultural industrial systems. Based on bibliographical data, it critically reviews the foundations of the neoclassical theory that supports the induced innovation model, used for interpreting agricultural updating standard, known as the green revolution. It considers the evolutionist approach as being the most appropriate one to explain the character and the rhythm of these innovations, starting from the definition of concepts such as technological paradigm, technological trajectory, complementary assets, regimes of appropriability and technological interdependence among sectors. The beef industry is considered in order to illustrate such approach, identifying the incremental direction of innovations in agribusiness. Strategic decisions in R&D of the companies of an agricultural industrial system are limited because they depend more heavily on the technological breakthroughs generated by other sectors, and because they are part of a market structure that defines the companies' behavior. Even then, each company has its specific innovation route, thanks to its own cumulative learning about development and the exploitation of its technological and organizational competencies, and can attain competitive advantages by means of strategies such as brand name development and partnerships for supply and distribution.


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How to Cite
Machado, R. T. M. (1). Fundamentos sobre o estudo da dinâmica das inovações no agribusiness. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 2(2), 127-141.
Author Biography

Rosa Teresa Moreira Machado, Universidade de São Paulo

Economista e Doutoranda em Administração na Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo. Professora da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Suas áreas de interesse em pesquisa são desenvolvimento, transferência e adoção de inovações tecnológicas no setor agropecuário e agroindustrial, sistemas de informação em cadeias agroindustriais, além de avaliação de programas públicos em ciência e tecnologia.