O papel do gerente num contexto de mudança baseada no uso da tecnologia CRM
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This work is intended to investigate the manager role, due to the utilization of a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM), that is regarded as the main agent in a technology-based organizational change. The research took place during a deep case study of a company that is, at the same time, user and supplier of technology, and is implementing a CRM system whose main users are regional managers. To produce the research, interviews with the managers were realized, with questions elaborated from the literature revision, in the areas of organizational change, relationship marketing, information technology, and customer relationship management. The content analysis technique was utilized for the collected data examination. Significant results were established about the potentiality of the system use, which requires processes changes and involve a more pro-active managerial posture regarding customer service and contact, making possible a more effective management and a better planning of activities.
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How to Cite
Xavier, R. O., & Dornelas, J. S. (1). O papel do gerente num contexto de mudança baseada no uso da tecnologia CRM. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 10(1), 9-30. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552006000100002
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