Digital Social Currencies, Institutional Pressures and the Social Modeling of Technology

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Raquel Melo de Almeida orcid
Diego Mota Vieira orcid
Flavio Diogo Luz orcid


Objective: to analyze the institutionalization of community banks as promoters of financial inclusion considering their strategies undertaken by institutional pressures. Theoretical framework: theoretical framework delimited from organizational strategies in response to institutional pressures in the process of implementing changes by information and communication technologies (ICTs), in the tactics and strategies used in inclusive markets and in social modeling of technology. Methods: a case study was carried out with Banco Mumbuca, where the digital social currency is widely used, through content analysis on documents and semi-structured and structured interviews. Results: results point to theoretical contributions regarding the constituent multiplicity, two new typologies in the tactics used in inclusive markets, as well as the change of status of the content element becoming an element of context in the gradual development of technology. Conclusion: community banks face institutional pressures for various strategies identified in the theory, as well as expand the tactics used in inclusive markets and that the implementation of changes by ICTs has taken place gradually, with processes of change anchored in technology-in-practice.


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Almeida, R. M. de, Vieira, D. M., & Luz, F. D. (2023). Digital Social Currencies, Institutional Pressures and the Social Modeling of Technology. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 27(6), e220091.
Theoretical-empirical Articles


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