Estudo do processo de inovação tecnológica no setor agroindustrial - estudos de caso na cadeia produtiva de leite fluido no sistema setorial de inovação da França
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the dynamics related to the implementation of technological innovations in the food processing industry. We use case studies and the sectorial innovation system approach to give evidence about the innovation process carried out by fluid milk processors in the French sectorial innovation system. The SIS of fluid milk in France is characterized by a high level of market opportunities and low appropriability - considering the fiercely vertical competition and spillovers - and low cumulativity at the firm level - as a consequence of the external character of R&D sources and the characteristics of the knowledge base. Nevertheless, the innovative projects described in the case studies evidenced that those parameters can be relaxed with an increasing level of appropriability (i) as a consequence of pioneering associated with the exploration of complementary assets (especially brand image) or (ii) pioneering associated with tacit learning in the development of new technologies.
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Révillion, J. P. P., Padula, A. D., Federizzi, L. C., Martinelli Júnior, O., & Mangematin, V. (1). Estudo do processo de inovação tecnológica no setor agroindustrial - estudos de caso na cadeia produtiva de leite fluido no sistema setorial de inovação da França. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 8(3), 75-98.
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