Political Administration: Contributions to the Theoretical-Analytical and Empirical Debate of Contemporary Administration
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Objective: this paper aims to examine the contributions of Reginaldo Souza Santos' thought to the advancement of Contemporary Administration theory and practice. In doing so, it will consider the evolution of the theory of political administration from its conception to its present form. Thesis: the theory of Political Administration makes relevant contributions to the theory and practices of Contemporary Administration by recovering the possibilities, challenges and limits of Administration science in its subjective and objective aspects — political and technical — which underpin the purpose (intentionality), conception, movement and social purpose of this field of knowledge. Conclusions: (a) efforts undertaken by Reginaldo Santos, as expressed in the theory of Political Administration, contributed to the dialogue and renovation of the thinking of renowned Brazilian and Bahian thinkers, such as Guerreiro Ramos (1940-1982) and João Ubaldo Ribeiro (1968-2014). These thinkers were instrumental in inaugurating a critical debate about the (Social) Sciences of Administration and Organizational Studies; (b) innovations introduced by the theory of Political Administration allow for contending that the Brazilian academic demonstrates an important capacity for renewing the theoretical-critical debate on administrative (social) thought, particularly when defending the inseparability between theoreticalabstract aspects (from strategic management, or gestão) and administrative practices (from operational management, or gerência). In this sense, the theory of Political Administration has enabled production and dissemination of critical technologies and studies in management (public, private and social) committed to putting socially produced administrative-social knowledge and practices in service of promoting social welfare.
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