Network as A Strategy to Break Silos and Promote Open Innovation

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Aurélio Martins Favarin
Cleidson Nogueira Dias
Bento Alves da Costa Filho
Martha Delphino Bambini


Objectives: The central objective of this paper is to propose and test a model for the development of network governance structures to respond to the silo effect in the innovation management process in a large research organization. Method: A case study was used with the objective of building a governance model that could address the problems derived from the silo effect. To achieve the objective, validation workshops were held, with teams being challenged to reflect on the mechanisms and basic rules used to assemble the model. Results: The efforts made to inhibit the silo effect in the organization investigated were successful. Internal events were held to exchange knowledge between research centers, which resulted in greater stimulation of connections between these and other actors throughout the innovation ecosystem. Conclusions: The governance model adopted to mitigate the problems derived from the silo effect proved to be effective in promoting interaction between research centers on issues related to open innovation. The model, supported by mechanisms and basic rules inserted in the key actions, proved to be efficient in promoting a more intense relationship between the research units of the institution studied, resulting in new network actions.


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Favarin, A. M., Dias, C. N., Costa Filho, B. A. da, & Bambini, M. D. (2024). Network as A Strategy to Break Silos and Promote Open Innovation. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(3), e230241.
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