Discourse on the Method in Finance: Between Epistemological Dominance and Possible Resistance Strategies

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Daniel Pereira Alves de Abreu
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9820-8453 orcid
Ana Paula Paes de Paula
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8035-472X orcid


Objetive and Provocation: work in finance has historically had a great affinity with positivist and functionalist approaches, as well as alignment with utilitarian and neoliberal ideologies. The objective of this provocation is to reflect on the predominant epistemes in the field of finance, as well as the limitations of such approaches for the development of studies in the area, provoking about the emergence of a movement that has been establishing resistance strategies that can change the status quo of the finance field. Conclusion: bringing new epistemological and methodological approaches, in addition to pointing out more critical approaches and supportive, sustainable and cooperative alternatives to financial and economic issues.


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Abreu, D. P. A. de, & Paula, A. P. P. de. (2024). Discourse on the Method in Finance: Between Epistemological Dominance and Possible Resistance Strategies. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 28(2), e240007. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2024240007.en


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