No News from the Front: Women in the Labor Market

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Maria José Tonelli orcid


In this provocation, I consider some data from history and classic feminist concepts to support the argument that everything changes to continue as it is. This provocation proposes a reflection on the difficulties faced by women in daily life, both at home and at work. We argue that when entering the labor market, women did not change the organizational structures and they end up reproducing the male hierarchical models. In addition, care work, offered in private life, also remains under the responsibility of women, which has intensified the double working day. Women are exhausted because there has not been a radical transformation in the ways of organizing organizations, private life, society, and the self itself.


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Tonelli, M. J. (2023). No News from the Front: Women in the Labor Market. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 27(5), e230210.


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