The Qualitative Approach Interview in Administration: A Guide for Researchers

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Cibele Cheron orcid
Julice Salvagni orcid
Renato Koch Colomby orcid


Context: this paper explores different ways of using qualitative approach interviews, based on the assumption that the interview is not exclusively subjective or objective, but intersubjective, allowing participants to discuss and express their interpretations about the social world. Objective: the aim is to guide the use of the interview, step by step, in research in administration and related areas, offering a simplified guide to assist beginning and experienced researchers. Method: due to its objective, this tutorial article is descriptive and explanatory, interdisciplinary and supported by bibliographic sources. Results: theoretical considerations about the interview are made, conceptualizing essential aspects related to its structuring, development and evaluation. Also listed are the factors resulting from the intersubjectivity inherent in the act of researching, such as the potential types of interview, the dimensions of the preparation, the different possibilities of asking, the questions about the conduct of the meeting, the dimensions related to the analytical work, among others. Conclusion: as an outcome, it is suggested that the interviewer observe the asymmetry of the relationship with the interviewee, the inevitable presence of biases and distortions, and the rigor in planning the investigation.


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Cheron, C., Salvagni, J., & Colomby, R. K. (2021). The Qualitative Approach Interview in Administration: A Guide for Researchers. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 26(4), e210011.
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