Integrated Information Circle: The Challenge of Integrating the Civil and Military Police
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Context: the case narrates the creation of the Integrated Information Circle, a pilot project that took place in an area limited to the Rocinha community, led by managers of the civil and military police, which was carried out through a partnership between the 11th DP - Rocinha and the 28th UPP - Rocinha. This action sought to develop protocols for the exchange of information in a continuous, effective, and, above all, institutionalized manner between local police agencies. However, despite the good results achieved, the initiative has not been consolidated. Methodology: the information was collected from secondary data and interviews from the managers who participated in the process - Dr. Gabriel Ferrando, chief of the 11th DP, and Major Felipe Carvalho Barreto, then intelligence superintendent of the Pacifying Police Coordination (CPP). Objectives: To discuss how the civil and military police organize and act. Results: development of analyzes on aspects related to the organization and culture of police institutions about the theme of integration. Conclusion: the case allows us to understand the limits and potential of integration between the police, based on the discussion about the possible reasons why the Integrated Information Circle has been discontinued.
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