O lugar do lugar na análise organizacional

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Peter Spink


In Brazil, the process of building an effective local level of governance has been taking place for a long time. More recently, stimulated by the 1988 constitution, terms such as participative budgeting, priority inversions and democratic governance are increasingly being used in technical debates and statements by political leaders. They reflect the viability of a different administrative practice, focussed on individual and collective rights. Local, however, is not necessarily synonymous with municipal. In a series of meetings that took place on the topic of povertry reduction, the term that seemed to better describe what was happening was place, a horizon of links, of meaning production and conflicts that could be submunicipal, municipal or intermunicipal in form. For organizational theory, the focus on place as a space for action throw light on a series of questions not normally focussed and may allow a different approach to the study of the organization as a social phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Spink, P. (2018). O lugar do lugar na análise organizacional. Journal of Contemporary Administration, 5(spe), 11-34. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1415-65552001000500002
Author Biography

Peter Spink, Universidade de Londres

Ph.D. em Psicologia Organizacional pela Universidade de Londres, UK. Professor Titular da Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas e Coordenador do Programa de Gestão Pública e Cidadania. Suas áreas de interesse em pesquisa são estudos de mudança organizacional e social na área pública e privada, novos formas de organização de serviços públicos, pobreza e desigualdade social, relações interorganizacionais na ação social.