Processes in Interorganizational Relationships to Develop Absorptive Capacity in Startups
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Objective: one of the factors related to dynamic capabilities is the absorptive capacity and until now, empirical work on capabilities has been conducted mainly with large companies and little is known about how they occur in startups. In this context, the aim of this work is to provide an understanding of how absorptive capacity occurs in startups, which maintains interorganizational relationships with large companies. Methods: the research used a qualitative multiple case study design and the investigation of seven startups constituted the study corpus. The data were analyzed using statistical analysis, content analysis, and business process analysis. Results: the interrelationship between startups and large companies in acceleration programs enhances the development of capabilities for startups because it facilitates access and assimilation of knowledge. On the other hand, knowledge transformation and exploitation help the modification of the structure, processes, and resources of startups to serve the large company, and the development of new products and services to the market occurs modestly and incrementally. Conclusions: the study highlights how the formal actions of corporate accelerator programs by large firms contribute to the development of absorptive capacity in startups.
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